last night, while dozing off a good friend sent me a text - "prince is on pbs."
at first i was like -"so!" and then it hit me. PRINCE IS ON PUBLIC TELEVISION!
i found the channel through the direct TV maze and caught about 20mins of conversation- prince
and tavis smiley. it dawned on me that i have never seen prince talk, and since i have never been a fan of tavis- i had no idea this guy was the best interviewer ever. waves of connection trickled through me. it was as if everything they touched on was speaking directly to me.
seriously, never been so moved to action by 20mins of interview. and while prince said some things i don't really agree with, i agreed with where they were coming from. they talked about two of my favorite historical figures - jack johnson, and dick gregory. two men who defied classification in such a forceful way that they made revolution in everything they did.
when it was all over i couldn't help but feel like i never really loved myself like these men. and if i was to continue to grow- it would be nearly impossible to do any growing at this point without examining my image of self. my love of self.
and just think, it all began with a text.